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Importing survex .3d files

Therion surveys correspond to station prefixes defined by *begin/*end pairs in survex source files. Usually, there does not exists one-to-one mapping between them. So if you want to keep your centerline in survex files, you need to solve the problem, how to match survex and therion data structures. This sample shows three different ways, how to deal with station prefixes when importing survex .3d files to therion.

Using surveys specified in .th files

If you will import .3d file with -surveys use switch, then therion tries to find the match between survex prefix and therion survey name. If this match is found, stations are inserted into survey found. Otherwise prefix is left with station names. Example code:

import use.3d -surveys use
input use-out.th2
survey use
  input use-in.th2

In this case, you should take care, where you input your .th2 files with scraps. In use-out.th2 file, you should refer to station names using:

point 165.744 176.58 station -name 2@use

but it use-in.th file using

point 321.454 236.22 station -name 1

Map with station names in this case looks like this:

Station names are before '@' symbol, survey names follow this symbol.

Creating non-existing surveys

If you import your .3d file using

import create.3d -surveys create

all survex prefixes are taken into account and if surveys with corresponding names do not exist, they are created. In this case, if you do

input create.th2

right after import command, you refer to stations in .th2 file with names shown on the map.

Ignoring station prefixes

Last possibility is to import your .3d file using

import ignore.3d -surveys ignore

Also in this case, station references in corresponding .th2 file are same as station names on the next map.

Note, that no surveys are created in this case. Station names are taken from .3d files without change.

Managing large projects

Assume situation, when you want to join these three small maps within single large project. Assume, that coordinates of cave entrances are specified in the top-level cave.3d file. If your joining code will be

import cave.3d -surveys use
survey cave
  input use/use.th
  input create/create.th
  input ignore/ignore.th

not all stations are replaced correctly. The "created" series is placed wrong on the map.

This is because in top level import command, survey create is imported from file create/create.3d with wrong coordinates, and we import top-level .3d file with -surveys use switch. This means, cave.create.1 will be imported here as create.1@cave and not 1@create.cave.

To solve this problem, we need to re-import stations from top-level cave.3d file once more with -surveys create switch.

import cave.3d -surveys use
import cave.3d -surveys create
survey cave
  input use/use.th
  input create/create.th
  input ignore/ignore.th  

After this additional import final looks as expected.


Even there are several possibilities, how to map survex prefix structure to therion survey structure, the most clean solution is to create survey structure to desired depth in .th files using empty survey/endsurvey pairs and allways use -surveys use switch when importing .3d files.

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