:!: In order to contribute to the therion documentation you need to be registered. If you don't have a therion wiki account please contact wikiadmin[at]speleo.sk; include your real name and preferred wiki username. ====== Therion documentation ===== * Therion's basic features [[skillbg|BG]] [[skillcz|CZ]] [[skillde|DE]] [[skillel|EL]] [[skillen|EN]] [[skilles|ES]] [[skillfr|FR]] [[skillit|IT]] [[skillmi|MI]] [[skillpt|PT]] [[skillru|RU]] [[skillsk|SK]] [[skillsq|SQ]] * [[develop|Development of Therion]] * [[hist|History of Therion]] * Projects made with help of Therion [[projEurope|Europe]]| [[projAsia|Asia Pacific]]| [[projAmerica|Americas]] ===== Manuals & HOWTOs ===== ==== Official Reference Manuals ==== * [[http://therion.speleo.sk/downloads/thbook.pdf|The Therion Book]] - Therion's reference manual. Included also in Therion distribution. * [[http://survex.com/docs/manual.pdf|The Survex Manual]] - Therion's survey centreline commands are modelled on Survex syntax (with minor modifications). Most of what is described in chapters 4 and 5 is directly applicable to Therion, and expands on information provided in The Therion Book. * {{:therion_symbols_20130407_.pdf|All symbol sets and symbols available in version 5.3.11}} * All symbol sets and symbols available in version 6.3.4 in [[https://therion.speleo.sk/downloads/symbols.xhtml|xhtml format]] ==== Documentation in English ==== * [[http://www.chaos.org.uk/~wookey/CP33.pdf|Therion – State of the Art Cave-Drawing Software]] (a review/beginners' introduction by Wookey, describing 0.2.x version) * [[tfc|Therion for cavers]] ([[intxixu@gisa-elkartea.org|Roman Muñoz]]) * [[tbe|Therion by examples]] ([[marco_corvi@yahoo.com|Marco Corvi]]) * [[http://cp.cavesurveying.org.uk/index.php/articles/3-therion-tutorial|Tutorial: Drawing your first Therion Survey]] ([[http://cavesurveying.org.uk/|Cave Surveying Group]] - Footleg) Beginners guide to Therion, including using data from DistoX and pda. An updated version of this tutorial is in development, and the [[http://wscc.darkgem.com/footleg/therion/|latest draft can be found here]] * [[mmj|Drawing maps of small cave passages]] ([[fenrir@profisit.cz|Jan Balcaří­k]]) * [[cst|Converting svg cave maps to Therion th2 format]] ([[juergen.bohnert at uni-tuebingen.de|Juergen Bohnert]]) superseded by [[inkscapeplugins|Inkscape plugins]] (Thomas Holder) * [[ifl|How to create 3D terrain models (input for Loch)]] (Wolfgang Zillig) * [[http://www.talkingnerdy.com/colorize_loch_model/|How to Arbitrarily Colorize 3D Cave Models Created in Loch]] (Jonny Prouty) * [[do|Data Organisation]] and a [[drawingchecklist|Drawing Checklist]] (Bruce Mutton) * [[s&m|Scraps and maps have not to be tied with surveys]] (Martin Sluka) * [[:paperless|Paperless Survey]] Electronic cave data to Therion * [[os-tips|Operating system (OS) related tips]] * [[outputs|What do Therion's Outputs Look Like?]] (Bruce Mutton) How to make them? What to do with them? === Other === * [[faq|FAQ]] * [[tips|Tips and tricks]] * [[examples|Examples]] * [[metapost|Modifications of MetaPost code]] Symbol appearance - pdf & svg outputs * [[tex|Modifications of TeX code]] How it is all arranged, typesetting - pdf & svg outputs * [[contrib|Other Contributions]] Stuff that might be useful, other applications that assist Therion usage, etc * [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Therion_(software)]] Therion's Wikipedia entry * Submitting [[https://github.com/therion/therion/issues|bugs and patches]] ==== Language Specific Documentation ==== [[es|Español]] | [[czsk|Čeština a slovenčina]] | [[fr|Français]] | [[it:start|Italiano]] | [[ru:start|Русский]] | [[bg:start|Български]] | [[de|Deutsch]] * [[https://goo.gl/YsDLhk|Tutorial (Portuguese) DistoX + Topodroid + Therion]] Rodrigo Severo ===== Mailing Lists Archive ===== If you still did not find your answer, check mailing lists archives. * [[http://mailman.speleo.sk/pipermail/therion/|therion (English)]] (or [[https://www.mail-archive.com/therion@speleo.sk/|The Mail Archive searchable]]) * [[http://mailman.speleo.sk/pipermail/therion-cs/|therion-cs (Czechoslovak)]] (or [[https://www.mail-archive.com/therion-cs@speleo.sk/|The Mail Archive searchable]]) ===== IRC ===== Get help now, on the therion irc channel. * Server: irc.oftc.net * Channel: #therion ===== Wiki ===== This wiki pages contains user-contributed documentation for Therion. Content is available under the terms of the [[http://www.fsf.org/licensing/licenses/fdl.html|GNU Free Documentation License 1.2]]. * [[wiki:news|Wiki news]] * [[wiki:tutorial|Therion wiki tutorial]] * [[wiki:fixme|Fix me!]] - Orphaned and not existing pages * [[wiki:clouds|Frequently used words]] * [[wiki:syntax|Formatting Syntax]] ===== Recent Changes ===== List of [[wiki?do=recent|recent changes]] on the wiki pages.