=== References === | **[[#1]]**| O. Bett, Wookey, //Survex 1.0.39 Manual: survex datafile//, Web , http://www.survex.com/docs/manual/datafile.htm| | **[[#2]]**| R. Muñoz, //Therion for plain cavers//, [[:tfc|Wiki]] or Web , http://www.infonegocio.com/tatel/therion_for_cavers.txt| | **[[#3]]**| Wookey, //Therion - State of the art cave-drawing software//, Compass Point 33 2004 5-12| | **[[#4]]**| S. Mudrak, M. Budaj, //The Therion book//, Web , http://therion.speleo.sk/stats/get.php?filename=thbook.pdf| | **[[#5]]**| D. Loeffler, //Drawing up cave surveys by computer: the Tunnel software suite//, Compass Point 35 2006 11-16| | **[[#6]]**| R. Hartley, //Carto: present and future//, Caves.com 8 2004 13| | **[[#7]]**| G. Petrie, //WinKarst survey software//, CaveDiggers.com 1 2002 10| | **[[#8]]**| G. Petrie, //WinKarst version 9.0//, CaveDiggers.com 2 2002 20-22| | **[[#9]]**| G. Petrie, //WinKarst v 10.0//, Caves.com 6 2003 19| | **[[#10]]**| T. Lounsbury, //Cave maps by xarax//, Caves.com 8 2004 4-12| | **[[#11]]**| J.P. Cassou, //Project Hades//, Web , http://siliconcavings.chez-alice.fr/| | **[[#12]]**| G. Fernandes, //Karto: 2D cartography//, Web ,http://sourceforge.net/projects/karto| | **[[#13]]**| G. Fernandes, //KartoMNT: DEM generation//, Web ,http://sourceforge.net/projects/karto| === Chapter 1 === === Chapter 2 === === Chapter 3 === === Chapter 4 === | **[[#14]]**| L. Fish, //Compass home page//, Web , http://fountainware.com/compass| === Chapter 5 === === Chapter 6 === | **[[#15]]**| J.D. Hobby, //A Users Manual for MetaPost//, Web , http://cm.bell-labs.com/cm/cs/cstr/162.ps.gz| === Chapter 7 ===