Preparation of thconfig

File thconfig is inpout parametric file for compiler of therion. By the help of this file we may define many parameters of outputs from therion, including resolution of map, what will be in legend, color of background, and there is possible to define shape, color, size, etc. of used symbols, point or line symbols on generated map here.

Example of file thconfig

    source homolak
    layout homolak
        #resolution of final map
        scale 1 100
        #color of final map.
        color map-bg 85 # dle barvy [100 100 100]
        #color by altitude
        #color map-fg altitude
        transparency on
        opacity 90
        # names of persons which surveyed the cave will be added how much they surveyed
        statistics topo-length on
        # the language of legends in map
        language cz
        #show the legend
        legend on
        map-header 8 100 e
        #type of used symbol sets SKBB/UIS/ASF/CCNP
        #symbol-set SKBB
        #to show the names of surveying points 
        debug station-names
        #setup of grid
        grid bottom
        grid-size 10 10 10 m
        #rotation of map
        #rotate 30
        #symbol-assign point station UIS
        #symbol-hide point station
        #don't generate any symbol
        #symbol-hide group all
        #don't generate point section symbol
        #symbol-hide point section
        #generate line wall symbol
        #symbol-show line wall
        #generate line survey symbol
        #symbol-show line survey
        #don't generate line flowstone symbol
        #symbol-hide line flowstone
    export map -output output/homolak.pdf -layout homolak

Inserting of Metapost code into layout section

The next construction allows insert a piece of Metepost code into configuration file of therion compiler.

      code metapost
      here is definition of symbol

Now we may modify the definitions of symbols. Modification of symbols - how to