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Asia Pacific Projects


Yunnan 2004 (China)


Mulu, Borneo, Malaysia

It all started back on the 2003 Mulu expedition, Wookey had the job of surveyor in charge. The situation historically had been that once the survey was drawn up the underground notes were considered useless, and hence early ones were lost. Later ones were also lost after being handed over to the park service. Wookey set about the process of finding as much data as possible and reconstructing the rest, first as survex files and then drawing the passage detail in Therion. On the 2005 expedition Andrew Atkinson took over the surveying role and during that year 25km of cave were found and the plans drawn in the field with most of the expedition members using Therion to enter the survey. Although some of the joins were not totally finished and some detail was missing, a small scale survey was handed to the park warden at the end of the trip. Andrew also started the process of organising the survey data into a logical structure.

At the end of 2006 220 km of cave had been entered into survex, and about 80 km of this had be drawn in some detail in therion. In 2007 Dave Clucas took on the task of mapping Whiterock Cave. The plan view was completed during the 2009 expedition. The project continues with drawings of the whole of the Clearwater System, now 176kms long, being added.

Official pages of project: Mulu Caves

Mulu Caves 2009

Lagan's Cave

Lagan's cave is an adventure show cave in Gunng Mulu National Park, Sarawak, Malaysia.

The cave was discovered during the Mulu 84 expedition and was developed by the National Park from 2010 as an adventure show cave.

A plank walk was built in the tourist cave section to protect the cave from visitors but the further reaches can be visited by experienced cavers who must be accompanied by a registered guide.

The cave was extended by the Mulu 2012 expedition and was completely re-surveyed during 2011 and 2012 to produce a map suitable for a display board.



Figtree Cave, Wombeyan Caves (Australia, NSW)


Northern Lao European Cave Project 2009

New Zealand

Riuwaka Catchment Caves (NZ)

Bulmer Cavern (NZ)

South Flora Catchment Caves (NZ)

Patarau Caves (NZ)

Indonesia - Kalimantan

Expedition of Group Vulcain France - 2010