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European Projects

  • Authors: J. Pavka, L. Smetana, L. Chlup, P. Polák, R. Nejezchleb, P. Tomanová, J. Pernica, T. Roth 2010-2013
  • Exploration: history 1943-1944, 1961
  • Surveying: 2010-2013 part 1, part 2
  • Length: 574 m
  • Vertical range: 90 m
  • Link of map: Final map of cave
  • Authors: Branislav Šmída
  • Beginning: 2007
  • Length: 17 km
  • Vertical range: 441 m
  • Link of map: none
  • Note: project of Speleoclub of Comenius University Bratislava
  • Authors: Maroš Plučinský
  • Beginning: 2006
  • Length: 3829 m
  • Vertical range: 168 m
  • Link of map: none
  • Note: project of SSJ
  • Author: Roman Magáň
  • Beginning: January 2005
  • Length: 3048 m
  • Links to project page / maps (doesn't work: zoomified map
  • Documentation of Dead Bats Cave, Cold Wind Cave and others.
  • Authors: Martin Budaj, Stacho Mudrák
  • Beginning: 1999
  • Length: 21.3 km
  • Vertical range: 372 m
  • Links to maps: secret. Overall situation and several samples you may find on 2D and 3D pages of therion.
  • Note: The “Mother of Therion” project
  • Documentation of Čachtice cave, Čachtice karst.
  • Author: Martin Sluka
  • Beginning: 2001
  • Length: 3781 m
  • Links to project page / maps: map of cave
  • Author: Pavel Herich
  • Beginning: 2009
  • Length: 10152 m (April 2010)
  • Vertical range: 115 m
  • Note: This cave is a part of the Demänovský cave system (35 km), but the connection is only hydrologic until now. The most important discoveries follow from year 2007 (known before was 1.5 km), in the present (2010) is the cave more than 13 km long and continue.
  • sample of map 3d_model
  • Results of 6 short expeditions
  • Authors: Martin Sluka, Juraj Szunyog, Peter Imrich, Martin Budaj, Martin Hurtaj, Lukáš Vlček
  • Beginning: February 2006
  • Length: 7268 m (February 2010)
  • Depth: 259 m (February 2010)
  • Links to project page / maps: Doesn't work now. map and 3D of cave


  • Author: B. Hallinger, M. Schütze, A. Hack
  • Length: 117 km (currently[3/2024] about 100 km mapped in therion)
  • Height data: LIDAR data Austria
  • Overlay graphic: various official austria ortophoto,
  • Beginning: 2013, ongoing
  • Collaborated in a shared SVN repository
  • Up to now only centreline data is processed for 3D output in Loch
  • Number of caves in the model: > 100
  • Total length of survey shots: > 60 km
  • Height data: data by Viewfinderpanoramas
  • Overlay graphic: SAlzburger Geographisches InformationsSystem (SAGIS)
  • Beginning: 2006
  • Author: Wolfgang Zillig
  • Author: Juergen Bohnert
  • Beginning: 2006
  • Length: 81 m (Hessenhauhoehle as of 22 Oktober 2008, but also several other caves)
  • Links to project page / map:
  • Note: The Hessenhauhoehle is a vertical cave that is currently 52 m deep and was dug out following a strong draught. A connection to the longest cave of the Suabian Jura (Blauhoehlensystem) seems possible.
  • Karst area documentation
  • Beginning: 2007 (3D model)
  • Therionisation: 2010 (Plan Schneebläser)
  • Length/Depth: 4336m/-181m (November 2010)
  • Length/Depth: 5208m/-215m (July 2012)
  • Length/Depth: 6090m/-251m (September 2015)
  • Mapping since 2011: all objects managed by Therion
  • 98 maps with an overall length of 13.859m
  • Length: approx. 9 km
  • Note: As there is a 30-year history of countless cave drawings, and re-drawing all this is too much effort, we are using Therion's bitmap morphing feature quite intensively.
  • Author: Xavier Pennec (with GEMA)
  • Beginning: April 2007
  • Length: 993m underground (308m drawn in therion so far), 2013m including surface surveys.
  • Cave: Embut de la Pinée - France
  • Author: Club des Sophi-Taupes (G.Fernandes, E.Madelaine)
  • Beginning : 2002
  • Length: 1658 m
  • Depth: 208 m
  • Links: (fr) Bulletin SIS Numéro 6, Numéro spécial Embut de la Pinée, juin 2012
  • Notes: Still in exploration. But I'll do my research about it. Thanks Thérion, we not have to redrawn all the time the survey because new gallery, force to change the drawing. We also can easaly print surveys ont different scales (as the survey grow).
  • Author: John Pybus, Hilary Greaves
  • Beginning: September 2003
  • Length: > 7 km
  • Depth: 1060 m
  • Notes: Extensions found by OUCC on the 2003 expedition to Pozu Tormenta were drawn in therion. Extensions to Asopladeru la Texa in 2005 and 2008 were also drawn in therion. The original surveys of La Texa and Tormenta have been traced/redrawn in therion to create a map of the complete system.
  • Authors: Andrew Atkinson
  • Beginning: Therionisation:2005 Surveys:~1950
  • Length: total caves about 16 km
  • Vertical range: 233 m
  • Note: Compilation project by UBSS, with individuals editing a common dataset through SVN. Increased activity due to the major extension to Charterhouse Cave in 2009. Used Therion for the main Charterhouse/GB map and with the MCG Therion version of Upper Flood and the import of Survex and compass data, producing an overall 3D model. Further information, acknowledgements and the latest released output on the ubss website
  • projeurope.txt
  • Last modified: 7 months ago
  • by beni