If you want to ask something, share ideas or just be informed about the state of Therion project, you can participate on our mailing list.

Mailing list:
Subscription: just send an empty e-mail to therion-subscribe@speleo.sk.
Mailing list archives: internal or searchable external.

Matrix: therion-general, therion-development.

Mailing list in Slovak and Czech:
Prihlásiť sa môžete na stránke konferencie alebo zaslaním prázdneho mailu na adresu therion-cs-subscribe@speleo.sk
Archív konferencie: interný alebo prehľadávateľný externý.

You can submit issues and pull requests on GitHub. There is also a historical project page on Savannah.

Authors: Stacho Mudrák, Martin Budaj

Therion team