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bds [2023/11/05 19:12] – [Order of Layout functions called] reference issue 425 copy order anomaly brucemuttonbds [2024/11/17 05:49] (current) – [Concepts] clarify maps off brucemutton
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 **Source**  specifies the survey data and scraps or maps that are to be compiled.  You must specify at least one source. **Source**  specifies the survey data and scraps or maps that are to be compiled.  You must specify at least one source.
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-**maps** if maps OFF is chosen, defined map structures are NOT parsed to the outputs (therefore offsets are disabled and previews of passages are not shown).  Only scraps from the selected (or source) surveys are output.  Survey centrelines and stations are not output. Optional.+**maps** if maps OFF is chosen, defined map structures are NOT parsed to the outputs (therefore offsets are disabled and previews of passages are not shown).  Only scraps from the selected (or source) surveys or maps are output.  Survey centrelines and stations are not output. Optional.
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 **maps-offset** if OFF is chosen, defined offsets are ignored, and the scraps are drawn in their true positions.   Previews are exported as usual (although previews associated with any offsets are of course not required).  Maps-offset has no meaning or effect if maps off is also chosen.  Optional. **maps-offset** if OFF is chosen, defined offsets are ignored, and the scraps are drawn in their true positions.   Previews are exported as usual (although previews associated with any offsets are of course not required).  Maps-offset has no meaning or effect if maps off is also chosen.  Optional.
  • bds.txt
  • Last modified: 7 weeks ago
  • by brucemutton