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bds [2018/02/07 08:48] – emphasize Export selection and Formats brucemuttonbds [2024/11/17 05:49] (current) – [Concepts] clarify maps off brucemutton
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 ** **
 ''export map -projection plan        \''\\ ''export map -projection plan        \''\\
-''-layout LayoutMapThisCave     \''\\ +''-layout LayoutMapThisCave     \'' **# called first, processed first** \\ 
-''-layout LayoutMapThisCavePlan \''\\+''-layout LayoutMapThisCavePlan \'' **# called last, processed last** \\
 ''-output ./Output/MapBulmerSystem_Plan.pdf'' ''-output ./Output/MapBulmerSystem_Plan.pdf''
 ** **
Line 139: Line 139:
 <code> <code>
 (thconfig-)*.thc  (thconfig) (thconfig-)*.thc  (thconfig)
-                    |-source (of surveys and drawings to compile) +                    |-source     (of surveys and drawings to compile
-                    |-select (particular surveys and or maps to export) +                    |-maps       (enables or disables output map structure for the selected surveys) 
-                    |-input  (other files that contain text, lookups and layouts, so as not to clutter your thconfig) +                    |-maps-offset (enables or disables output of defined passage offsets from their true positions)  
-                    |-text   (if you want to redefine default legend and map-header text strings) +                    |-select     (particular surveys and or maps to export) 
-                    |-lookup (if you want to redefine default colour palettes and text strings that can be used with map-fg layout options) +                    |-input      (other files that contain text, lookups and layouts, so as not to clutter your thconfig) 
-                    |–layout (to define options for appearance and 'layout' of 2D outputs) +                    |---text       (if you want to redefine default legend and map-header text strings) 
-                    |-cs     (to specify the output coordinate system) +                    |---lookup     (if you want to redefine default colour palettes and text strings that can be used with map-fg layout options) 
-                    |-export (selected maps and specify layout, projection, filename, format etc)+                    |–--layout     (to define options for appearance and 'layout' of 2D outputs) 
 +                    |-cs         (to specify the output coordinate system
 +                    |-log extend (to add a transcript of the extend sequence to therion.log
 +                    |-export     (selected maps and specify layout, projection, filename, format etc)
 </code> </code>
-**Th**(erion)** Config**(uration) files select **surveys** and **map objects** to output.  Type of output is defined by the export command, and can be a 2D drawing (which contains information defined in map objects), or a 3D model (which contains information defined mainly in surveys) or one of the text-like outputs (which contain information only defined in surveys).  Therefore, at present (June 2011 version 5.3.8), if you select both maps and surveys for export (remembering that NOT selecting one of those will select them all) then it is most unlikely that the statistics in the map outputs will match the statistics in the survey/list/database outputs.  This is because for any significant system it is unlikely that every piece of survey has a map defined, or any map object has drawing that encompasses exactly all centrelines on which it is based. More on this on the [[exportselectionformat|Export selection and Formats]] page.\\+**Th**(erion)** Config**(uration) files select **surveys** and **map objects** to output.  Type of output is defined by the export command, and can be a 2D drawing (which contains information defined in map objects), or a 3D model (which contains information defined mainly in surveys) or one of the text-like outputs (which contain information only defined in surveys).  Therefore, at present (June 2011 version 5.3.8), if you select both maps and surveys for export (remembering that NOT selecting one of those will select them all) then it is most unlikely that the statistics in the map outputs will match the statistics in the survey/list/database outputs.  This is because for any significant system it is unlikely that every piece of survey has a map defined, or any map object has drawing that encompasses exactly all centrelines on which it is based. **More on this on the [[exportselectionformat|Export selection and Formats]] page.**\\
 \\ \\ \\ \\
 **Source**  specifies the survey data and scraps or maps that are to be compiled.  You must specify at least one source. **Source**  specifies the survey data and scraps or maps that are to be compiled.  You must specify at least one source.
 \\ \\ \\ \\
-**Select** selects particular surveys and or maps to export.  If you do not select a survey, all surveys are selected by default.  If you do not select a map, all scraps and maps are selected by default.  Optional.+**maps** if maps OFF is chosen, defined map structures are NOT parsed to the outputs (therefore offsets are disabled and previews of passages are not shown).  Only scraps from the selected (or source) surveys or maps are output.  Survey centrelines and stations are not output. Optional. 
 +\\ \\ 
 +**maps-offset** if OFF is chosen, defined offsets are ignored, and the scraps are drawn in their true positions.   Previews are exported as usual (although previews associated with any offsets are of course not required).  Maps-offset has no meaning or effect if maps off is also chosen.  Optional. 
 +\\ \\ 
 +**Select** selects particular surveys and or maps to export.  If you do not select a survey, all surveys are selected by default.  If you do not select a map, all scraps are selected by default and map features such as offsets and previews are not actioned.  Optional.
 \\ \\ \\ \\
 **Input** enters the text of other files, as though they were typed herein.  You can use ''input'' to refer to standard ''text'', ''lookup'' or ''layout'' files, and avoid having long cumbersome thconfig files.  Optional. **Input** enters the text of other files, as though they were typed herein.  You can use ''input'' to refer to standard ''text'', ''lookup'' or ''layout'' files, and avoid having long cumbersome thconfig files.  Optional.
 \\ \\ \\ \\
-**Text** commands redefine Therions default output text strings, such as those in map-headers and legends.  Mostly you will not need to use ''text''.+**Text** commands redefine Therions default output text strings, such as those in map-headers and legends.  Mostly you will not need to use ''text''. Optional.
 \\ \\ \\ \\
-**[[examples#colour_scales_-_lookups|Lookups]]** define colour palettes for map and atlas outputs, and can apply to various parameters such as altitude, exploration or survey dates, or 'by map or 'by scrap'.+**[[examples#colour_scales_-_lookups|Lookups]]** define colour palettes for map and atlas outputs, and can apply to various parameters such as altitude, exploration or survey dates, or 'by map or 'by scrap'. Optional.
 \\ \\ \\ \\
 **Layouts** define the look of 2D outputs.  ie scale, symbols, headings, graphics, co-ordinate system (which can differ to those used for survey data entry)%%**%%  You almost always need to use a layout to create an output that looks the way you want it to. **Layouts** define the look of 2D outputs.  ie scale, symbols, headings, graphics, co-ordinate system (which can differ to those used for survey data entry)%%**%%  You almost always need to use a layout to create an output that looks the way you want it to.
 \\ \\ \\ \\
 **cs** specifies the coordinate system to use for outputs.  If you do not specify this, Therion will use one of the coordinate systems used in the source survey files.  Optional. **cs** specifies the coordinate system to use for outputs.  If you do not specify this, Therion will use one of the coordinate systems used in the source survey files.  Optional.
 +\\ \\
 +**log extend** to add a transcript of the extend option and station sequence to therion.log.  See [[/extend#enumerating_extend_station_sequence]] and [[breakingextend]]. Optional.
 \\ \\ \\ \\
 **export** exports the maps selected above and specifies the format (type) of output to produce, the projection, if applicable, and many other options. Required. **export** exports the maps selected above and specifies the format (type) of output to produce, the projection, if applicable, and many other options. Required.
Line 177: Line 186:
 %%**%%2D outputs can either be map output (no relation to the map object concept described above) or atlas output. %%**%%2D outputs can either be map output (no relation to the map object concept described above) or atlas output.
 ---- ----
-A **map output** (not to be confused with a map object) is contained on a single ‘page’ and the size of the page is automatically made big enough to fit the cave by the software.  A number of formats are supported but pdf seems to be the most comprehensive.  Pdf maps can include graphics such as photos, logos, other pdf files or previously created cave maps. +A **map output** (not to be confused with a map object) is contained on a single ‘page’ and the size of the page is automatically made big enough to fit the cave by the software.  A number of formats are supported but pdf seems to be the most comprehensive.  Pdf maps can include graphics such as photos, logos, other pdf files or previously created cave maps. If you would like to force a map output to a particular size or proportion see [[tips#how_to_make_map_outputs_match_iso_paper_size_proportions]]
-An **atlas output** cuts the cave up to fit a user defined ‘paper size’ and adds a navigation pane.  Hyperlinks in the navigation pane and at the page edges facilitate rapid navigation.  If multiple maps are selected in the thconfig file, then chapters are automatically created separating the maps.  These may be different caves or different levels in the cave – with hyperlinks to navigate between different levels. Only pdf format is supported.  Inserted graphic images are NOT supported.+An **[[tbe:wiki4?s[]=atlas#atlases|atlas output]]** cuts the cave up to fit a user defined ‘paper size’ and adds a navigation pane.  Hyperlinks in the navigation pane and at the page edges facilitate rapid navigation.  If multiple maps are selected in the thconfig file, then chapters are automatically created separating the maps.  These may be different caves or different levels in the cave – with hyperlinks to navigate between different levels. Only [[tbe:wiki4?s[]=atlas#a_pdf_atlases|pdf format]] is supported.  Inserted graphic images are NOT supported.
 In theory you could produce every type of output each time you run Therion, but in practice the 2d and 3d outputs can take a long time to process, so it can be a good idea to comment out the rows for these types of outputs when you don’t need them. In theory you could produce every type of output each time you run Therion, but in practice the 2d and 3d outputs can take a long time to process, so it can be a good idea to comment out the rows for these types of outputs when you don’t need them.
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 With so many layout files it is inevitable that some parameters are changed and changed back and changed back again by the various layouts called. With so many layout files it is inevitable that some parameters are changed and changed back and changed back again by the various layouts called.
-The key to understanding which setting will prevail is; +The key to understanding which setting will prevail is knowing that
-  * knowing that the order in which the layouts are called (by a copy statement for example) determines the order that the parameters are changed, the last one called determines the final value, and  +  * the order in which the layouts are called (by a copy statement for example) determines the order that the parameters are changed, the last one called determines the final value (but see, 
-  * that the order or presence of an input statement has no effect on the order the parameters are changed.  The input statement just tells Therion in which file(s) to look for layouts.+  * layouts called in an export statement are processed in order, the last one called determines the final value, and  
 +  * the order or presence of an input statement has no effect on the order the parameters are changed.  The input statement just tells Therion in which file(s) to look for layouts.
 Usually there is no problem with all this changing and changing back, but some parameters don't take kindly to it at all.  On rare occasions you will find anomalies or even strange errors because of this.  To debug for this type of problem, first comment out all the layouts, and then incrementally add layouts or individual statements back into the mix.  Usually there is no problem with all this changing and changing back, but some parameters don't take kindly to it at all.  On rare occasions you will find anomalies or even strange errors because of this.  To debug for this type of problem, first comment out all the layouts, and then incrementally add layouts or individual statements back into the mix. 
Line 197: Line 207: the Layout[Map or Atlas]Cave layout; the Layout[Map or Atlas]Cave layout;
 +  copy LayoutStandard       # sets most parameters, symbol-set, then symbol-assignment, then other settings you want to standardise across the project
 +  copy LayoutScale    
 +  # now call symbol redefinitions
   copy water-blue           # comment out for default hatching   copy water-blue           # comment out for default hatching
   copy sump-blue            # comment out for default cross hatching   copy sump-blue            # comment out for default cross hatching
-  copy scalebar-with-text   # comment out for default with no scale id +  copy scalebar-with-text   # comment out for default with no scale id   
-  copy LayoutStandard       sets most parameters   +  # maybe hide some symbols 
-  copy LayoutScale     +  symbol-hide point remark 
-  copy LayoutCave_Annotation+  copy LayoutCave_Annotation # a specific layout describing this cave the Layout[Map or Atlas]Cave[Plan or Elev] layout; the Layout[Map or Atlas]Cave[Plan or Elev] layout;
  • bds.1517989722.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 7 years ago
  • by brucemutton