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contrib:complimentarycaveapps [2020/03/28 00:02] – therionsurface2survex benicontrib:complimentarycaveapps [2023/11/21 20:19] (current) – [Qave] typos sluka
Line 47: Line 47:
   * Author: Rich Smith   * Author: Rich Smith
-  * Version: 1.3.11 September 2019+  * Version: 1.7.September 19th, 2023
   * Platform: Android 4.3 +   * Platform: Android 4.3 +
   * Program language: EN   * Program language: EN
   * Program manual lang.: EN   * Program manual lang.: EN
   * Links:   * Links:
-  * Compatible hardwareDistoX 2, DistoX BLE, SAP6  
 The SexyTopo cave and underground surveying app for Android. Next-gen surveying with a sexy interface. It interfaces with a Disto-X and builds up a model of the cave. It provides a sketching environment for the cave surveyor to collect the details, and exports all the information to Therion, Survex, Compass, text (PocketTopo Therion) and SVG. The SexyTopo cave and underground surveying app for Android. Next-gen surveying with a sexy interface. It interfaces with a Disto-X and builds up a model of the cave. It provides a sketching environment for the cave surveyor to collect the details, and exports all the information to Therion, Survex, Compass, text (PocketTopo Therion) and SVG.
Line 117: Line 119:
   * Author: Pauline Piechowiak (Svist)   * Author: Pauline Piechowiak (Svist)
-  * Version: 2.2.4 July 292019+  * Version: 2.4.1 May 102023
   * Platform: Android - 4.0 and above    * Platform: Android - 4.0 and above 
   * Program language: EN   * Program language: EN
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   * Video manual lang.: EN    * Video manual lang.: EN 
   * Link: [[|Qave page]]    * Link: [[|Qave page]] 
 +  * Compatible hardware: DistoX 2, [[|BRIC4]], [[|CaveSniper]]
-Simple application significanlty speeds up the surveying process by automatically downloading DistoX measurements. In addition, it provides a built-in image editor for sketching plans and sections. No calibration of DistoX yet.+Simple application significantly speeds up the surveying process by automatically downloading DistoX, DistoX BLE, BRIC5, Shetland Attack Pony or CaveSniper measurements. In addition, it provides a built-in image editor for sketching plans and sections. 
 Tutorials (by Derek Bristol): Tutorials (by Derek Bristol):
Line 135: Line 138:
 Features:\\ Features:\\
-- connecting to DistoX via bluetooth\\+- connecting to DistoX, DistoX BLE, BRIC5, Shetland Attack Pony, CaveSniper via bluetooth\\ 
 +- calibration of DistoX.
 - measurements processing\\ - measurements processing\\
 - measurements preview\\ - measurements preview\\
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 ---- ----
 ====therionsurface2survex==== ====therionsurface2survex====
 +**Produce a surface mesh to be able to take mesurements between surface and cave.**
   * Author: Benedikt Hallinger   * Author: Benedikt Hallinger
   * Link: [[]]   * Link: [[]]
 +  * Platform: Linux, Windows (64bit), MacOS
 therionsurface2survex takes a therion source file containing a surface mesh (`surface ... grid ... endsurface`) and converts it into a survex .swx file. This can be compiled by `cavern` into a survex .3d file, which may be combined with your cave's 3d-file. therionsurface2survex takes a therion source file containing a surface mesh (`surface ... grid ... endsurface`) and converts it into a survex .swx file. This can be compiled by `cavern` into a survex .3d file, which may be combined with your cave's 3d-file.
-This allows for example to take distance measurements between cave tunnels and the surface.+This allows for example to take distance measurements between cave tunnels and the surface.   
 +Since Version 1.0, the program supports also GDAL ASCII grid files as input and therion centerline format as output. This allows to directly parse ASCII height data into a surface mesh directly usable by therion. 
 +==== Compass2Therion converter ==== 
 +It translates data from Compass format (*.dat) to the format used by Therion (*.th). 
 +  * Author: Roger Schuster 
 +  * Link: 
 +  * Platform: Cross-Platform (Java 11 needed) 
 +==== Survex2Therion converter ==== 
 +It translates data from Survex format (*.svx) to the format used by Therion (*.th). 
 +  * Author: Andrew Atkinson 
 +  * Link: 
 +  * Platform: Cross-Platform (Python) 
 +Written for the data set I was managing, not a comprehensive converter, hopefully it will be a useful starting point for other people wishing to convert from Survex format to Therion. 
 +To use run this script in your root directory of the data set. 
 +==== Remove empty lines and areas ==== 
 +Therion editor did (still can?) leave empty lines or areas, that have been reported to cause problems. This command line pipe removes these  
 +  * Author: Andrew Atkinson 
 +  * Platform: Linux CLI 
 +This script was written for a specific data set. It has not been tested beyond, it is placed here as a starting point for others. 
 +**Warning**, this script modifies files without confirmation, backing up data before use is strongly recommended. 
 +grep -rnIH -A 1 "^area " * |grep endarea|tac|awk -F- '{system("sed -i " $2-1 "," $2 "d '''" $1 "'''")}' 
 +The above works for areas, substitute line and endline to also do areas. 
 +It is strongly recommended that the pipe is built up one step at a time to check it works on the data set. Below is an explanation of each step with known problems indicated. 
 +grep -rnIH -A 1 "^area " *  
 +Lists all lines in files with the 'area' as first word followed by a space plus the next line. If your files are indented this may not work, the ^ can be removed, but if the endarea has a space after, this with break the rest.  
 +grep endarea 
 +From the above list only the lines that contain endarea 
 +Reverses the order. When the lines area removed it is done by line number, so have to go from the end of the file otherwise susequent lines will have changed number. 
 +awk -F- '{system("sed -i " $2-1 "," $2 "d '''" $1 "'''")}' 
 +Deletes the lines, the -i just does it, removing the -i dumps it to screen, without changing the file 
  • contrib/complimentarycaveapps.1585350160.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 5 years ago
  • by beni