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contrib:complimentarycaveapps [2023/11/07 09:52] – [Qave] Sluka actualisation Qave slukacontrib:complimentarycaveapps [2023/11/21 20:19] (current) – [Qave] typos sluka
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   * Author: Rich Smith   * Author: Rich Smith
-  * Version: 1.3.11 September 2019+  * Version: 1.7.September 19th, 2023
   * Platform: Android 4.3 +   * Platform: Android 4.3 +
   * Program language: EN   * Program language: EN
   * Program manual lang.: EN   * Program manual lang.: EN
   * Links:   * Links:
-  * Compatible hardwareDistoX 2, DistoX BLE, SAP6  
 The SexyTopo cave and underground surveying app for Android. Next-gen surveying with a sexy interface. It interfaces with a Disto-X and builds up a model of the cave. It provides a sketching environment for the cave surveyor to collect the details, and exports all the information to Therion, Survex, Compass, text (PocketTopo Therion) and SVG. The SexyTopo cave and underground surveying app for Android. Next-gen surveying with a sexy interface. It interfaces with a Disto-X and builds up a model of the cave. It provides a sketching environment for the cave surveyor to collect the details, and exports all the information to Therion, Survex, Compass, text (PocketTopo Therion) and SVG.
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   * Compatible hardware: DistoX 2, [[|BRIC4]], [[|CaveSniper]]   * Compatible hardware: DistoX 2, [[|BRIC4]], [[|CaveSniper]]
-Simple application significanlty speeds up the surveying process by automatically downloading DistoX, Bricks4 or CaveSniper measurements. In addition, it provides a built-in image editor for sketching plans and sections. No calibration of DistoX yet.+Simple application significantly speeds up the surveying process by automatically downloading DistoX, DistoX BLE, BRIC5, Shetland Attack Pony or CaveSniper measurements. In addition, it provides a built-in image editor for sketching plans and sections. 
 Tutorials (by Derek Bristol): Tutorials (by Derek Bristol):
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 Features:\\ Features:\\
-- connecting to DistoX, BRIC4, CaveSniper via bluetooth\\+- connecting to DistoX, DistoX BLE, BRIC5, Shetland Attack Pony, CaveSniper via bluetooth\\ 
 +- calibration of DistoX.
 - measurements processing\\ - measurements processing\\
 - measurements preview\\ - measurements preview\\
  • contrib/complimentarycaveapps.1699347175.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 14 months ago
  • by sluka