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contrib:externalviewers [2019/07/13 09:41] – typo What it means "transparency knockout" slukacontrib:externalviewers [2024/11/15 21:31] (current) – [For PDF files] Alpha sort, and add Okular brucemutton
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 MacOSX Acrobat Pro (full & Reader) - lock files, there is feature to one-click refresh file if only one file is opened. You may switch on in preferences "Restore last view settings when reopening documents". MacOSX Acrobat Pro (full & Reader) - lock files, there is feature to one-click refresh file if only one file is opened. You may switch on in preferences "Restore last view settings when reopening documents".
 +**Evince** \\
 +If a file is open while Therion updates the file, it automatically reloads the file.  Changes to layer selections often require the user to resize the window to force a redraw.
 +On my Windows machine most large Therion generated files do not display, they are forever 'reloading'. It is very slow and makes many errors drawing areas (patterns are not clipped) - Bruce. However Martin B gets best results with Evince, especially regarding the rendering of transparency groups. 
 **Foxit** \\ **Foxit** \\
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 //**Foxit and MacOSX:**// According to a press release from the Foxit Corporation, hackers have disguised versions of the Jahlav Trojan horse as a pirated version of Foxit Reader for Mac. Any user foolish enough to download a version of "Foxit Reader for Mac" from a source other than the official Foxit website at is, therefore, risking infecting their iMac or MacBook. //**Foxit and MacOSX:**// According to a press release from the Foxit Corporation, hackers have disguised versions of the Jahlav Trojan horse as a pirated version of Foxit Reader for Mac. Any user foolish enough to download a version of "Foxit Reader for Mac" from a source other than the official Foxit website at is, therefore, risking infecting their iMac or MacBook.
-**Evince** \\ 
-If a file is open while Therion updates the file, it automatically reloads the file.  Changes to layer selections often require the user to resize the window to force a redraw. 
-On my Windows machine most large Therion generated files do not display, they are forever 'reloading'. It is very slow and makes many errors drawing areas (patterns are not clipped) - Bruce. However Martin B gets best results with Evince, especially regarding the rendering of transparency groups.  
-**SumatraPDF** \\ 
-If a file is open while Therion updates the file, it automatically reloads the file. Zoom and rendering of all details works very well too. The rendered PDF looks the same as Foxit Reader (See example screenshots in the next section below). 
-As a Windows user I find non-file locking readers very useful for drawing new scraps, because if you set up a map to just render the few scraps you are working on so that the overall survey is not too large then you can keep the PDF open in Evince/SumatraPDF and recompile your project to immediately see the changes. The problems with clipping area fills in Evince means you cannot preview these, but walls, lines and point symbols are fine. SumatraPDF does a good job of both rendering and automatically displaying changes when the PDF is regenerated. This workflow is great for refining scrap joins as you can adjust the positions of line ends and immediately see the effect with the Evince viewer open alongside your Therion editor window, and for checking that area fills are working as planned. - Footleg 
-Works well and is fairly fast to render large maps with Windows 10. Great for monitoring drawings while editing, but you don't want this as your only viewer. Is not always good at printing. - Bruce 
 **MacOSX: Quick Look** **MacOSX: Quick Look**
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 **MacOSX: Skim (free)** **MacOSX: Skim (free)**
 It looks very promising (only short test). It is possible to set it to automatic refresh. It preserves zoom and position. [[ |Skim]]. The rendering is the same as Foxit. It looks very promising (only short test). It is possible to set it to automatic refresh. It preserves zoom and position. [[ |Skim]]. The rendering is the same as Foxit.
 +Multi-platform viewer of multiple file types.
 +On Linux, if a file is open while Therion updates the file, it automatically reloads the file.  But not on Windows.
 +On Windows, similar speed to SumatraPDF, but poorer rendering quality - although there are many settings that may mitigate this...
 +**SumatraPDF** \\
 +If a file is open while Therion updates the file, it automatically reloads the file. Zoom and rendering of all details works very well too. The rendered PDF looks the same as Foxit Reader (See example screenshots in the next section below).
 +As a Windows user I find non-file locking readers very useful for drawing new scraps, because if you set up a map to just render the few scraps you are working on so that the overall survey is not too large then you can keep the PDF open in Evince/SumatraPDF and recompile your project to immediately see the changes. The problems with clipping area fills in Evince means you cannot preview these, but walls, lines and point symbols are fine. SumatraPDF does a good job of both rendering and automatically displaying changes when the PDF is regenerated. This workflow is great for refining scrap joins as you can adjust the positions of line ends and immediately see the effect with the Evince viewer open alongside your Therion editor window, and for checking that area fills are working as planned. - Footleg
 +Works well and is fairly fast to render large maps with Windows 10. Great for monitoring drawings while editing, but you don't want this as your only viewer. Is not always good at printing. - Bruce
 **Xpdf** **Xpdf**
  • contrib/externalviewers.1563003673.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 6 years ago
  • by sluka