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examples [2019/12/07 08:30] – How does the default work tarquinwjexamples [2023/12/03 07:41] (current) – Document select map -colour behaviour brucemutton
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 Same should work with scraps.  Same should work with scraps. 
-With maps you may specify colour of a particular map when selecting it your thconfig, without the need for a lookup+**Specifying individual map colours at compile time**
-  select map1 -color [100 0 0]  # This does not work for me.  Bruce +With maps you may specify colour of a particular map when selecting it in your thconfig, overriding or without the need for any layout or lookup statements 
-Make sure you don'have any 'colour map-fgstatements however, as if present they will override [I THINK]+ 
 +  select map1 -colour [100 0 0] 
 +The Therion Book 6.1.7 suggests that map command-like options include colour, however this seems to be incorrect.  The -colour option seems to be a select parameter (not a map parameter) and can be described like this... 
 +Description: selects objects (surveys and maps) for export… 
 +• colo[u]r <colour>  set the map colour when selecting a map; this option overrides the specified colour palette ONLY when the layout specifies colour map-fg [map], [scrap] or [<colour>].  It has no effect when the layout specifies colour map-fg [altitude].  It has no effect when the layout specifies colour map-fg [topo-date] or [explo-date], for the scraps whose associated surveys have dates assigned. 
 +In summary: 
 +Select map -colour overrides layout or lookup colour map-fg statements when… 
 +  * colour map-fg [r g b] 
 +  * colour map-fg scrap 
 +  * colour map-fg map 
 +Select map -colour does not override layout or lookup colour map-fg statements when… 
 +  * colour map-fg altitude 
 +  * colour map-fg topo-date, unless the map has no date 
 +  * colour map-fg explo-date, unless the map has no date
  • examples.1575703805.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 5 years ago
  • by tarquinwj