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faq [2023/08/04 17:55] – [How do I join three scraps in a Y-shape?] - simplification slukafaq [2023/10/16 10:27] (current) – Visualising drawing errors and distortion - clarify debug dots and colours brucemutton
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   * **blue-lines** - scraps adjusted to survey stations (before processing joins)   * **blue-lines** - scraps adjusted to survey stations (before processing joins)
-  * **red points** - original positions of survey stations +  * **small red points** - original positions of survey stations 
-  * **yellow points** connected by yellow line - original position of two points in scrap with maximal distortion                                                                   +  * **large yellow points** connected by yellow line - original position of two points in scrap with maximal distortion                                                                   
-  * **black points** connected by black line - final position of two points in scrap with maximal distortion +  * **large black points** connected by black line - final position of two points in scrap with maximal distortion 
-  * **orange points** - the points with distance changed most during transformation                                                                              +  * **large red points** - the (station) points with distance changed most during transformation                                                                              
   * **yellow lines** connecting black and yellow points indicate how these points were shifted                                                                         * **yellow lines** connecting black and yellow points indicate how these points were shifted                                                                      
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    - The size of the maximum distortion (for a scrap) is proportional to the distance between the black point from it's corresponding yellow point (black and yellow joined by yellow).    - The size of the maximum distortion (for a scrap) is proportional to the distance between the black point from it's corresponding yellow point (black and yellow joined by yellow).
    - If the black points are obscured under the corresponding yellow points, then the maximum distortion is not very much at all.    - If the black points are obscured under the corresponding yellow points, then the maximum distortion is not very much at all.
-   - Spacing of matched pairs of yellow points, or black points is of little significance, perhaps it is an indication of the size of area in the scrap that has 'maximum distortion'.+   - Spacing of matched pairs of yellow points, or black points is of little significance. Perhaps it is, together with the large red point (if present), an indication of the size of area in the scrap that has 'maximum distortion'.
 We can create a special layout to hide distracting features, and emphasize the debug characteristics we are interested in. We can create a special layout to hide distracting features, and emphasize the debug characteristics we are interested in.
  • faq.1691164543.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 17 months ago
  • by sluka