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drawingchecklist [2024/05/20 06:17] – point label opaque bounding box brucemuttondrawingchecklist [2024/05/20 06:25] (current) – line label opaque bounding box brucemutton
Line 468: Line 468:
   line arrow -context point label -scale xs #visibility of this arrow will be controlled as though it were a point label of scale xs   line arrow -context point label -scale xs #visibility of this arrow will be controlled as though it were a point label of scale xs
-''__line label__ -text "Label Text" # -scale s'' ## Line label gives you text fitted to the curve and length of the line.  If the line is longer than is necessary for the specified size (text height), then the characters are spaced out to fit the line.  If the line is too short, the text size is reduced so that the text will fit.  see also [[drawingchecklist#points|Point Label]] \\+''__line label__ -text "Label Text" # -scale s'' ## Line label gives you text fitted to the curve and length of the line.   
 +If the line is longer than is necessary for the specified scale (text height), then the characters are spaced out to fit the line. 
 +If the line is too short, the text scale is reduced so that the text will fit. 
 +# Unlike point label, each character has its own opaque bounding box, so line label does not obscure so much of any objects that render beneath it. 
 +see also [[drawingchecklist#points|Point Label]] \\
 ''__line pit__'' (or ''line wall:pit'') ''-height [+10 m]''  ## -ve and ? values not allowed, as they are for ''point height'' At present, only AUT symbolset responds to height, by filling in triangles where height > 20m \\ ''__line pit__'' (or ''line wall:pit'') ''-height [+10 m]''  ## -ve and ? values not allowed, as they are for ''point height'' At present, only AUT symbolset responds to height, by filling in triangles where height > 20m \\
 \\ \\
  • drawingchecklist.1716178665.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 8 months ago
  • by brucemutton