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projeurope [2012/10/24 19:47] knolleprojeurope [2024/11/19 10:49] (current) – [System of Amatérská] jsirotek
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 [[start|Wiki home]]| [[projAsia|Asia Pacific]]| [[projAmerica|Americas]] [[start|Wiki home]]| [[projAsia|Asia Pacific]]| [[projAmerica|Americas]]
 ====== European Projects ====== ====== European Projects ======
 +===== Czech Republic =====
 +==== System of Amatérská (Czechia) ====
 +  * Authors: J. Sirotek (completion)
 +  * Exploration: Many different clubs from Moravian karst
 +  * Surveying: 1948-2024 [[|History of surveying]]
 +  * Length: 52 km
 +  * Vertical range: 212 m 
 +==== Plánivy (Moravia) ====
 +  * Authors: J. Pavka, L. Smetana, L. Chlup, P. Polák, R. Nejezchleb, P. Tomanová, J. Pernica, T. Roth  2010-2013
 +  * Exploration: history [[|1943-1944]], [[|1961]]
 +  * Surveying: 2010-2013 [[|part 1]], [[|part 2]]
 +  * Length: 574 m
 +  * Vertical range: 90 m
 +  * Link of map: [[|Final map of cave]]
 ===== Slovakia ===== ===== Slovakia =====
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   * Author: Juraj Szunyog   * Author: Juraj Szunyog
-  * Beginning: 2006 +  * Beginning: 2006 - 2013 
-  * Length: 113,3 m (4. November 2009)+  * Length: 113,3 m (4. November 2009), 260 m (2012)
   * Links to project page / map layout: [[]]   * Links to project page / map layout: [[]]
   *                         map extend: [[]]   *                         map extend: [[]]
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   * Length: 7268 m (February 2010)   * Length: 7268 m (February 2010)
   * Depth: 259 m (February 2010)   * Depth: 259 m (February 2010)
-  * Links to project page / maps: [[|map and 3D of cave]]+  * Links to project page / maps: Doesn't work now. [[|map and 3D of cave]]
 .. ..
 ===== Germany / Austria ===== ===== Germany / Austria =====
 +==== Hirlatz cave (Austria Dachstein/Hallstatt) ====
 +  * Author: B. Hallinger, M. Schütze, A. Hack
 +  * Length: 117 km (currently[3/2024] about 100 km mapped in therion)
 +  * Height data: LIDAR data Austria
 +  * Overlay graphic: various official austria ortophoto,
 +  * Beginning: 2013, ongoing
 +  * Collaborated in a shared SVN repository
 ==== Cave register of Untersberg (Germany / Austria) ==== ==== Cave register of Untersberg (Germany / Austria) ====
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   * Note: The Hessenhauhoehle is a vertical cave that is currently 52 m deep and was dug out    following a strong draught. A connection to the longest cave of the Suabian Jura (Blauhoehlensystem) seems possible.    * Note: The Hessenhauhoehle is a vertical cave that is currently 52 m deep and was dug out    following a strong draught. A connection to the longest cave of the Suabian Jura (Blauhoehlensystem) seems possible. 
-==== Steinernes Meer / Leiterkopf (Germany) ==== +==== Caves of the eastern Steinernes Meer (Germany) ==== 
-  * Karst area documentation around Leiterkopf / blaue Lacke +  * Karst area documentation 
-  * Beginning: 2007 (only Loch 3D Model / 120 Objects / total length about 10 km)+  * Beginning: 2007 (3D model)
   * Therionisation: 2010 (Plan Schneebläser)   * Therionisation: 2010 (Plan Schneebläser)
-  * Length: 4336 m (November 2010) +  * Length/Depth: 4336m/-181m (November 2010) 
-  * Depth: 181 m (November 2010+  * Length/Depth5208m/-215m (July 2012) 
-  * Mapping: 2010 (Schneebläser which consisting of 5 objects+  * Length/Depth6090m/-251m (September 2015
-  * Length: 5208 m (July 2012) +  * Mapping since 2011all objects managed by Therion 
-  * Vertical range215 m (July 2012+  * 98 maps with an overall length of 13.859m 
-  * Mappingsince 2011 all objects will be converted and managed in Therion   +
-  * Author: Dirk Peinelt +
- +
 ==== Fuchslabyrinth (Germany) ==== ==== Fuchslabyrinth (Germany) ====
   * Length: approx. 9 km   * Length: approx. 9 km
   * Note: As there is a 30-year history of countless cave drawings, and re-drawing all this is too much effort, we are using Therion's bitmap morphing feature quite intensively.   * Note: As there is a 30-year history of countless cave drawings, and re-drawing all this is too much effort, we are using Therion's bitmap morphing feature quite intensively.
 +  * [[|Wikipedia]] [[|maps]]
 ===== France ===== ===== France =====
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   * Length: 1658 m   * Length: 1658 m
   * Depth: 208 m   * Depth: 208 m
-  * Links: Not yet available+  * Links: (fr) [[|Bulletin SIS Numéro 6]], Numéro spécial Embut de la Pinée, juin 2012 
   * Notes: Still in exploration. But I'll do my research about it. Thanks Thérion, we not have to redrawn all the time the survey because new gallery, force to change the drawing. We also can easaly print surveys ont different scales (as the survey grow).   * Notes: Still in exploration. But I'll do my research about it. Thanks Thérion, we not have to redrawn all the time the survey because new gallery, force to change the drawing. We also can easaly print surveys ont different scales (as the survey grow).
  • projeurope.1351100859.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 12 years ago
  • by knolle