

Go to “Window” menu and choose “Compiler”. Then go to File → Open and choose “thconfig”. Again, this is a template file with comments. The bare bones thconfig could be:

layout xvi-export
  scale 1 1000
  grid-size 1 1 1 m
export map -fmt xvi -layout xvi-export -o irurixo.xvi

There are three parts in thconfig file:

“source” is the input part. So we specify here which file will be processed by Therion.

Second part are layout specifications. Anything between a layout/endlayout pair of lines is part of a layout. Layouts should have a name so we can choose wich layout to apply to our exports. We can have as many layouts as we need (or like).

“scale 1 1000” sets output map's scale to 1:1000

“grid-size 1 1 1 m” sets grid size to 1 meter in X Y Z directions. If working on a big survey, this setting could lead to memory problems when compiling, so in such cases it would be probably better to set grid-size to 10 10 10 m. Again, you can specify other units than meters.

Third part is output specifications. For now, we have only one export. We will export a map (single page, not atlas). This map will be in xvi format (-fmt xvi option). This map will use xvi-export layout. This is specified by the “-layout xvi-export” option. Finally, the “-o irurixo.xvi” option sets the name of the output xvi file we are going to create.

OK? Press F9 key or “Compile” button, and wait until text box next to compile button shows “OK”. Your new xvi file should be in example's directory now.

If you got an “ERROR” message, you can see in the lower half of Compiler window what happened. This lower half shows therion's log file, and usually error's cause is visible here. You can go to bad lines, correct them and press F9 key or “Compile” button again.

We are now ready to draw over our centerline data.

  • tfc/313.txt
  • Last modified: 19 years ago
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