tfc:31433 LABELS

Now you can insert some labels, like “P100” or “Entrance”. Insert a point where label should be placed, then go to Point control panel and choose “label” from “type” menu. Next, write this on options textbox:

-text “This will be displayed”

As you can guess, after compliling, finished .pdf map will show “This will be displayed” text centered over label point's position.

There are some tricks about labels. If you write this in options textbox:

-text “<it>This will be displayed”

… compiled map will show “This will be displayed” in italic.

Another case: if you write…

-text “This will be<br>displayed”

… compiled map will show the text splitted in two lines.

Still another case: if you write…

-text “<right>This will be<br> displayed”

…compiled map will show text in two lines, right-aligned. <right>, <left> and <center> tags have effect only if there is a <br> tag too.

  • tfc/31433.txt
  • Last modified: 19 years ago
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